
How to get a key file from an activation code for business solutions

To use the Business License for the Kaspersky application, you need to apply an activation code or key file. An active license key will be added ...


Your account will only be activated after confirmation. 只有在确认之后您的帐户才會被激活。


ToastNotificationActivatedEventArgs 會傳遞至您針對啟動應用程式時所實作的事件處理常式,因為使用者點選快顯通知本文,或是在快顯通知內執行動作。

is not activated - 英中 - Linguee

If the software is not activated, you can control [...] and enforce run limits to force the user to activate the software copy. 如果软件没有激活,您可以通过限制使 ...


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is not yet activated - 英中 - Linguee

大量翻译例句关于is not yet activated – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。

is not active-翻译为中文

This action cannot be completed because the Content Organizer feature is not active. 由于未激活内容管理器功能,无法完成此操作。

DO NOT ACTIVATED | 超好吃水蒸板栗大順店| Menu

自起在Uber Eats 上停止營業。 輸入您的外送地址,即可在附近尋找更多商店。

Authorization | Plugin Activation Issues

Double check your security settings and make sure no firewall or antivirus software is interfering with your DAW, the plug-in or the UJAM App.

Windows 10 Activation Problem

另外,虚拟環境下,會無法識別硬體信息,無法關聯數位授權,. 嘗試參照重大硬體變更之後處理辦法。 https://support.microsoft ...


TousetheBusinessLicensefortheKasperskyapplication,youneedtoapplyanactivationcodeorkeyfile.Anactivelicensekeywillbeadded ...,Youraccountwillonlybeactivatedafterconfirmation.只有在确认之后您的帐户才會被激活。,ToastNotificationActivatedEventArgs會傳遞至您針對啟動應用程式時所實作的事件處理常式,因為使用者點選快顯通知本文,或是在快顯通知內執行動作。,Ifthesoftwareisnotactivated,youcancontrol[...]and...